Mentoring Elite Business Owners scaling to 6-8 Figures through A New Paradigm of Business.


Looking to Invest in Yourself?

Multi 7 Figure Business Creator

When you treat business as the art form that it is, success becomes a byproduct of the actions you put into it & what you are able to magnetise as a result of who you are at your core.

In my time, I’ve built 5 wildly successful businesses, so I know what it takes to drive that level of success, especially as a Woman in Business & Single Mama!

Just because you’ve built your business to be en route to everything you ever wanted, doesn’t mean you it feels the way you always wanted it to feel.

The story of who you are is your greatest asset in business. Aligning it with the intentional action required is the foundations of business I’ve used as a formula for multiple business owners all over the globe to scale them to the 7 Figure Lifestyle they both deserve & desire.

The New Paradigm of Business

Working with a coach who has a deep understanding of business energetics, cutting edge marketing & sales strategies, consumer psychology and buyer behaviour will be the difference between you loving what you do or hating it.

I built a largely successful personal brand simply from understanding & implementing the basic foundations of business and grew it to what it is today while keeping an amazingly balanced home life with my 2 beautiful children. Because I understand what it means to build a legacy for those you love the most and what it means to still be able to do the things you want to!

Business is more than just making money, it’s a way of life and doing it the way you want to is what creates true success!

How to Work with Me

The KT Team is focussed on delivering you the highest quality service of luxury business coaching. With a Community of people to support your growth & journey to help shape your business to become everything you want it to be.

Our team focus is on high quality business strategies, deep emotional & spiritual healing, personalised Content & Social Media support so that you have access to every answer in just one place!


Apply For Amplifier

The clients I work with in Amplifier are elite level leaders in their industry. This process is by application only as I work with clients who are ready to take their business to the next level!

The Krista Tier team don’t believe in success being measured by finances, we measure it by leadership & the willingness to be Innovators.

On The Blog

The question is:
What layers are required to be shed for the truest version of ourselves to surface?