Stop trying to make more money in your business…

This is the biggest mistake you are making!

It's trying to make more money

When you can be focussed on making the right money for your business instead..

When I first started in the coaching industry, I knew I needed:

  • High ticket clients

  • A scalable business model

  • Marketing tools that were targeting the right clients


So I did all of those things...

What I didn't realise I was doing was becoming a slave to my business by only focussing on these things. 

I was exhausted after my events... 

I was settling for clients who weren't really the right fit...

I was trying to find more clients even though I didn't want to be spending more of my time on client calls...

And I was pushing myself to great lengths I didn't realise at the time were just spiralling me into burnout and fatigue!

So believe me when I say, I know how you feel when you say you are exhausted!

If I knew then, what I know now...

Today, I focus on the harmony in my business... 

How to scale with an effortless approach... 

Making money while I sleep... 

Having clients message me who are ready to buy from me straight away!

With a team fully equipped to progress my business without me 

And I only have to show up 1 hour a day!

I'm giving you the entire process on how I shifted my business that I was working in...

To work for me!

Your business should be working the way you want it to..

In this program, I'm sharing with you the exact tools I use to shift my business to build more income without even trying.

The masterclass that teaches you how to build passive income strategies so that you can create money and have sales in your business while you sleep...

No matter what business you run!

Click the link below to get your pathway to passive income


You’re not crazy, you’ve just been coaching wrong!


You are a gift…