You can’t close every sale…

"You can't close every sale"

"If they don't want me, I don't want to work with them"

"My ideal client is ready to buy!"

Sound familiar??

Let's get real here... At this point in your business, sales should be easy as pie! 

But if you're still relying on that email you sent with all the information after the sales call to close the client for you, you are doing it wrong!

If you're relying on discounts, or 'buy now' prices to get someone across the line, you're doing it wrong!

And the very worst of them all..

if you're offering your services as a 'freebie' with the hopes that it will encourage someone to buy after they try.. 

You are absolutely kidding yourself.

I'm going to let you in a secret, when I started as a coach I HATED SALES!!!

I used to avoid it at any cost!

Because I never wanted to be rejected, it was awkward and uncomfortable asking someone for money...

And the idea of closing them on the call was terrifying because it meant I had to really hold someone to a standard right then and there with them on that phone.

But this ended up being something I taught on a regular basis after I found out how to absolutely LOVE sales!

I did this by realising I really had something that was going to help the person I was speaking to.

And it wasn't until I started getting on phone calls with people and hearing what they were going through and knowing I could help them...

That I was able to call people forward into the highest version of themselves and start closing every single sale. 

I'm at a point in my business now where I get to be very picky with who I let into my containers. 

Where the leads I speak to have to qualify to be invited into my high level spaces. This happens because I understand that what I offer is unlike anyone else in my industry. 

But I also understand that they don't know that yet and it's my job to show them.

But that's not going to happen if you are kidding yourselves in the sales process like I was when I started. 

When my clients start working with me, every single one of them expressed a hatred toward sales because they were terrified of it. 

After sharing my sales method with them, none of them have the same attitude and actually get excited for the sales calls they book.

Which is exactly how it should be in business!!

If you want to learn how to love your sales process and figure out the sales strategy that works best for your business, click the link below!


This one thing is the reason your business hasn’t grown…


No more compromising with anything or anyone!