You will never do this for a sale again!

"Krista, I'm so over slimy sales!!"

Guess what... So am I...

I used to hate sales so much! In fact, I used to actively avoid it. I hated it so much that I hired someone to do the calls for me. 

It just felt sleezy and gross every time I got on a call with someone. 

It wasn't until i had to sell from a stage, that I really understood that sales could be a totally different experience. 

I remember right before I jumped on, I was trying to talk myself out of having to do it...

"They don't want to be sold to..."
"What if it takes away from my event..."
"That's not what they came for..."

All of these stories felt really justified at the time, but I bit the bullet and I decided to sell on stage.

Not because I needed the money, but because I knew they really needed my help. 

It was not only liberating for me as a salesperson but it opened me to a whole new way of experiencing delivering sales in that capacity.

Because previous to this point, I had been taught how to manipulate my ideal clients into a sale. 

How to press on their pain points & high jack their nervous system just so that I could make some money...

It didn't fit the vibe check!

The truth is the old ways of business are dying off and there is a requirement for business to be done different. 

I want you to experience a shit tonne of money!

But I also want you to do it in a new way. A way that allows you to convert your audience but do it with integrity.

Because making lots of money feels so much better when it's practised with pure intention.

So I'm launching a sales masterclass like nothing you've ever seen before!

And don't worry, you are not getting pitched to at the end...

It's just an enormous amount of value with genuine teachings for you to go and be the breath of fresh air in your industry!

In this masterclass we will show you how you can warm your audience to ensure the sale is done!

We will show you how to enhance your intuition and use it as your greatest asset during the sales process as well as the entirety of your business.

We will give you an exact process that you can take your potential client through to not only convert them but also create transformation whether they buy from you or not.

You've never experienced a sales masterclass like this one!

We do it differently around here, because making money is more than just endless sales that don't mean anything.

We know your clients mean everything to you, so doing it the right way at the beginning is what you want!

Join us LIVE on 5th August 2024 at 9:30am AEST.

Click the link to secure your spot & get lifetime access to the replay.


Iā€™m so over bro marketing tactics & sleezy sales!


Get my High Ticket Sales Strategy!