Your money isn’t safe

Just 2 years ago I spoke out heavily against the Covid 19 vaccinations.

While they called me a liar...

A conspiracy theorist...

An anarchist...

Just 2 years later, everything I spoke about is now being proved as true.

Now, I'm calling out again something that not everyone is going to listen to, but should!

Your money is not safe!  

Our world is constantly transforming and changing and it is important for us to move and pivot with those changes.

To be ahead of the changes, requires foresight. An ability to look at old patterns and recognise what these changes mean ahead of time.

To be able to pivot, change and transmute what you always knew and did and evolve into something better. 

Back in 2020, I spoke out very loudly about the control, manipulation and havoc that the government was creating with Covid 19. 

Many people hated me, and I copped a huge amount of backlash for speaking out as loudly as I did. 

It required a huge amount of courage and boldness to do that, but my mission has always been to create a better world than the one I was born into...

This is why I can't sit on the information I have foresight into now.

When most businesses were falling apart and going bankrupt, mine scaled 400% when the world was in a global pandemic and economic crisis. 

My clients were having some of the greatest growth spurts I had seen to date in a period where everyone else was operating from fear. 

This happened because I was able to see the patterns others weren't.

To see what the world was changing into and those that listened were able to pivot and grow alongside me.


More money isn’t always better…


This one thing is the reason your business hasn’t grown…