Before you launch your next offer, you need to read this!

If you are still relying on launches to bring in new income...

You're doing it wrong.

And this is the exact reason it always feel like you're not making enough in your business. Especially if you're a coach.

When you are solely reliant on launching a new program or new offer every single month to bring in more leads, more clients & more money...

Not only are you going to quickly start running out of offers to dish out to your audience that feels fresh & new enough to have a launch..

But it's also the quickest way to feel burnt out.. 

tired of showing up in your content...

And slowly but surely, you'll start to feel like that slimy salesperson we all want to avoid becoming!

It's not your fault that you think this is the best way either...

Watching people have successful launches can leave you feeling really optimistic about your own.

But it's not about having a big following, or even an engaged audience.. 

It all depends on whether or not you are creating content that speaks to the buyer psychology of your audience leaving them ready to buy


If you do this well, not only will you start to have amazing launches that go off every single time...

But you'll also not rely on them frequently like you have been.

Which means you actually get to start taking those holidays your body, soul & mind has been craving since forever!

This is what I create with my clients, because success only feels like it when you're able to enjoy it! 

And just in case this email wasn't enough to convince you to start taking your content seriously, take a look at what just a few of my clients are saying:

Want to know how you can infuse buyer psychology with your content so that you can start to not only attract the right client but have them ready to buy just by watching your content?

Click the link below & send me a DM on Instagram so we can chat more.


I am Woman


I blew up the internet…