I blew up the internet…

I used to post 100x a day... 

Yep, you read that right!

I was completely committed to blowing up the internet and I did just that. 

And yes, I did it all by myself!

This was the era where posting more meant making more money. It was all about exposure and even more exposure. 

Where not showing up or having a day off was not an option. I was posting 3x a day on all social media platforms and every single piece of content was new!

Even though I don't teach this strategy because social media has completely changed since then.

Thank God!

It's opened my eyes to how many people have no idea how good they have it at the moment. This is your reminder that social media is evolving every single day and what works one day will not work the next. 

It is now more than ever, required for you to show up boldly. 

To take leadership in the content you are posting and use your voice for more than just collecting leads and making more money. 

Because when you realise that social media platforms are social platforms, you'll soon realise that the perfectly curated piece of content has far less impact than speaking boldly and truthfully in the way only you know how. 

In 2020, at the peak of a global pandemic I took a huge stand against the control and manipulation that was happening in our health systems. 

My voice was sharing words that not many people wanted to hear. 

But it didn't rattle me because I was more invested in the truth being wide-spread than what others had to say about me. 

It was when they shadow-banned my account where I realised the true requirement for diversification of social media platforms. 


I was already doing this, and thank god I had been posting 100x a day on each one. 

Because I wasn't able to be controlled, manipulated or silenced...

I wasn't reliant on one singular social media platform for sole exposure of my business. I had options and choices. 

I don't say this lightly...

If you are only building your business on Instagram, you are setting your business up to fail. 

We all know that multiple streams of income is required to build wealth. The same is true for multiple sources of lead generation. 

When my clients start implementing a cross-platform strategy to their content creation, their results change drastically. 

Because they understand the reason for each platform and how to use them to build their business with strong foundations!

Your business is too important to be contained to just Instagram. 

Click the link below and reach out if you've been using an Instagram Only Strategy for your business. 


Before you launch your next offer, you need to read this!


More money isn’t always better…