Million Dollar Business Model without getting one New Client

Breaking the million dollar ceiling!

We all want it...

But are we all prepared to look at the parts of ourself that we are required to stand into to break through it?

My client had an 'A-huh' moment when she realised that she didn't need to be focussing on new clients to break through that ceiling... 

When we talked through where her business was at and just looked at closing the holes that were in her business she soon realised that she had million dollar potential sitting right under her nose!

And this is the power of a business model that works for you!

We looked at the lifespan of her clients and what parts of her business she was not offering to everyone...

how crazy?! And yet...

So many people in business have a genius skillset that they are hiding from their clients because they think they won't pay for it or because they don't need it.

If you are in this same position, I will say this only once!

If you have a solution that can solve someone's problem - ESPECIALLY YOUR CLIENT'S PROBLEMS...

Then you need to share it with them!

Your clients are the hottest leads you have...

They already know they like you. They already want to work with you!

If you are holding back in any form, don't.

This is the exact reason so many of my clients call themselves 'lifers' in my containers. Because I constantly overdeliver in what I sell my clients into.

If my client has a problem, I find the solution.

If my client needs something, I give what I have. 

I don't gatekeep or hide out or hope they are going to figure it out on their own. Instead I focus on being in my genius, offering what I can to close as many of their gaps as possible and that puts me in a position to get to enjoy all of their amazing wins with them!

Your skillset is worth something, if you are not offering it as a service it has become a disservice to your clients. 

If you want to discuss how to implement your genius zone that you're not sharing or just get more clarity on your business model to make you more money, just click the link below to jump on a call with me personally so we can get you back in your genius zone! 


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