No more being blinded by Narcissistic Coaching Strategies…

Anyone who knows me...

Knows that I can't help myself!

When I feel something that rings so true in my bones, I have to share it...

Especially when that feeling involves people being lied to, scammed & manipulated...

Enough is enough!

Coaches who are posing and positioning themselves as leaders, gurus & experts in their industry who are actually just masking severe narcissist traits, qualities & character disturbances.

Just so they can satisfy within themselves a sense of glory and admiration by their audience. 

To preaching and performing to be seen in a light that is so opposing to the truth of what is real in their personal lives. 

It is so important to understand here, that social media is a highlight reel. 

When we forget that the picture being painted is not the whole truth... ever!

But when a narcissist is painting a picture online it can look like this:

  • Preaching instead of relating

  • Placing blame on others

  • Never being wrong

  • Having nothing to learn

  • An inability to Connect genuinely

  • Minimising & dismissing very real experiences of others

I bet you can probably think of a few people in the coaching industry who fit all of these categories - I know I can!

This becomes a problem because people in vulnerable positions are relying on their coach to support them in vulnerable times & ways. 

You may or may not be aware, but I have been in some quite horrific narcissistic dynamics in the past and one of the biggest things I struggled with was the cognitive dissonance created from those relationships. 

I was unable to understand their intentions & actions for what they were because I was only registering it through my own lens of values and beliefs. 

But when I recognised it through the lens of trauma I could finally understand the truth of the situation I was in.

When we trust what we see online and take it at face value, we are wanting to believe that this person has our best interest at heart. 

But when you can be discerning and have the information available to open your eyes to the very real situation of narcissism being rife in the coaching industry...

This is a problem and more people need to have more information about it!

It's because of this that I'm launching a masterclass soon with more on this topic...

Because not enough people have an understanding of how narcissism can affect them and the ways that it plays out unknowingly.

Just click the link below to get notified when it gets launched!


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